At Witzco Trailers we are always eager to do our part to serve the needs of our community and what better way to do that than hosting a blood drive?

The Suncoast Blood Bank has been serving the communities of Sarasota, Bradenton and Venice for over 70 years by providing much needed, high quality blood products and services to local health facilities. Donor blood is often vital in order to provide life saving transfusions for trauma victims, organ transplant patients, heart surgery recipients and many patients undergoing disease related treatments. But, donating blood is more important than ever in that blood banks are presently facing major challenges. The amount of people willing to donate blood as well as their eligibility to donate is dwindling.  Additionally, with the advent of Covid-19, blood banks are experiencing an even larger decrease in donations.  Blood drives are being cancelled and potential donors are reticent and may be unaware of the extreme safety of giving blood. The need for donor blood is increasing while the supply is shrinking.

Witzco Trailers has been hosting blood drives with the Suncoast Blood Bank for approximately 12 years.  Owner/President Josh Weinstein is aware of the importance of donating blood and how it can positively affect the lives of others.  “Over the years, some of my family members and friends have received blood transfusions after life-saving surgeries.  These transfusions helped them to recover and heal.  It’s easy to do and only takes a few minutes to save a life.”

Consider giving blood and saving a life.  For more information about the Suncoast Blood Bank and how you can help click on the link below.

Witzco Owner Josh Weinstein donating blood